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Adriana Mallet

Adriana Mallet Toueg is an interventional physician with multidisciplinary training. She worked from 2013 to 2020 at public medical emergency service Samu and created 192 Smart, an app that detects car crashes, makes automatic calls to local emergency services and maps risk areas. In 2013 she co-founded SAS Brasil and now leads SAS Group, striving to make access to public healthcare broader, fairer and more accessible. In a country where 65 million people live in cities with less than one doctor per thousand inhabitants, SAS Brasil provides access to specialized healthcare in 320 cities and 21 states, with volunteer professionals and state-of the- art technology. The NGO pioneered the use of telemedicine for cancer patients in 2019 and, with the approval of the model by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, perfected the platform and took it to impoverished neighborhoods, offering remote monitoring against COVID-19. More than 40,000 were served. To achieve this, in 10 days it structured a platform for online medical and psychological care, with screening and scheduling through WhatsApp. It also installed self-sterilizing telemedicine booths in communities, with a disinfection system, devices that measure vital signs, electronic medical records and a prescription printer. It created the Unidade de Telemedicina Avançada (Advanced Telemedicine Unit), a travelling unit for gynecological, dermatological, ophthalmological and dental care. SAS Brasil leaves a post-pandemic legacy of a complete path for digital inclusion in health.

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Hybrid Social Enterprise
Areas of Impact
Latin America

SAS Group

SAS Group is a social organization that believes in technology to drive health equity. Through its non-profit SAS Brasil and its business unit SAS Smart, it brings digital healthcare to those who need it most, wherever they are. Since 2013, SAS has been deploying mobile health units in cities and areas lacking access to specialist doctors, providing free medical care and directly impacting the waiting list for specialized consultations in these regions. Living Lab is their research center anchored in Unicamp university (SP), first laboratory in Brazil with the purpose of disseminating research and innovation in digital health. Born in SAS Smart, their CompenSAS solution has been recently awarded by the World health Organization for its innovative way to measure and offset carbon emissions associated with patient travel medicine.


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