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Albina Ruiz

Industrial engineer, graduated from the National University of Engineering, with a second specialty in Solid Waste Sanitary Engineering, and a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona, Spain, with completed master's studies in Ecology and Environmental Management , at the Ricardo Palma University.
Likewise, Mrs. Ruiz has valuable experience in the sector; in 2019, she served as Vice Minister of Environmental Management of the Ministry of the Environment.
In the professional field, she has been an international consultant on local development projects, with emphasis on comprehensive solid waste management with a focus on sustainability and inclusion, rational use of water, and environmental planning and management.
Her professional work has been recognized nationally and internationally. In November 2011 she received the Fairness Award, awarded by the Global Fairness Initiative Washington, of the United States of America. She was also recognized with the RSA's Albert Medal awarded by Willingsworth Tipton High School in the United Kingdom, sponsored by the Academy.
In May 2008 she was awarded the Energy Globe World Award Brussels, Belgium, Earth category. A year earlier, she received the Global Development Network award for the most innovative project on development issues, sponsored by the Government of Japan, within the framework of the Ninth Annual GDN Conference held in Brisbane Australia.
In 2006, she was awarded the Dubai International Award for Best Practices for Improving the Environment by the United Nations and the Dubai Municipality, United Arab Emirates. And that same year, she was also recognized with the Skoll Award for expanding a Solid Waste Management System based on community participation, creating jobs and clean cities, awarded by the Skoll Foundation.
In 2002 she was awarded as one of the best social entrepreneurs in the world by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship in Switzerland.
She is the author of different specialized publications, related to her experience in waste management, water and sanitation, recycling, social inclusion of recyclers, circular economy among other topics. She is also the founder of the organization “Ciudad Saludable”, dedicated since 2002 to addressing issues of comprehensive solid waste management, as well as environmental education and communication, among others.

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Ciudad Saludable
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Non-profit Social Enterprise
Circular Economy; Gender Inequality; Climate Crisis
Areas of Impact
Latin America, Peru

Ciudad Saludable

Ciudad Saludable is a non-profit association. Born in 2002 with a dream of building healthy and inclusive cities where everyone can live in harmony, justice and equal opportunities, Ciudad Saludable proposes an environmental citizenship and sustainable management model for climate change mitigation and adaptation from the inclusive recycling value chain. Its value proposition is the promotion of the articulation and participation of the state, companies and civil society in sustainable production and consumption systems through management, education and communication initiatives that influence public policies.

Its values are consistency, passion, commitment, transparency, inclusion, justice and respect. It creates, structures, plans and executes programmes and projects, based on the articulation and coordination of actors: governments, companies and civil society. It develops socio-environmental transformation models that affect public policies related to the integral and inclusive management of solid waste and environmental citizenship. Its mission is to contribute to improving the quality of life of the population by creating and sharing innovative and inclusive environmental management systems with a sustainable development approach. It influences organizational culture change by launching public and private initiatives focussed on the integral management of solid waste, eco-efficiency and environmental education.

It is active globally, with special interest in Latin America, Asia and Africa, in areas of social and economic vulnerability in urban, rural and traditional communities with native groups.


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