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Csaba Kovács

Csaba Kovács started Félúton Alapítvány in 1993 shortly after recovering from his own addiction. Many of the foundation’s activities are based on his recovery process experience. Kovács considers the government and the municipalities as business partners and its patients as clients. His business-oriented approach strongly contributed to Félúton Alapítvány’s success and sustainability.

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Félúton Alapítvány
Hybrid Social Enterprise
Mental Health
Areas of Impact
Eurasia, Hungary

Félúton Alapítvány

Félúton Alapítvány (Halfway Foundation) helps people suffering from alcohol and gambling addictions and those in need of psychiatric treatment. It also educates young people about alcohol and addiction, and works to change legislation.

Félúton Alapítvány regards the problem of addiction as a complex health issue. The responsibility for recovery is given to the patient to ensure sustainability of results; those willing to recover get the information and support they need. Families are also educated about the disease and advised on how they should treat sick family members. Félúton Alapítvány goes one step further by helping to integrate rehabilitated patients back into the professional labour market.

Félúton Alapítvány’s approach is based on an adaptation of the Minnesota Rehabilitation model, and focuses on integrating its services into Hungary’s healthcare system. Its operations are primarily financed through government aid based on long-term contracts with state and local authorities. A smaller part of the expenditures is covered by charges paid by clients and by service fees from contracts concluded with local municipalities. Services are provided in Budapest and in several other cities across Hungary.


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