Janhavi Dave
Janhavi Dave is co-leader of Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO), a global network for improving the working conditions, rights, protection, economic opportunities and voice of women in the informal economy. She is also International Coordinator of HomeNet International, a global network of membership-based workers’ organisations representing thousands of home-based workers and was formerly the Coordinator of HomeNet South Asia. She previously worked with the Self-Employed Women’ Association and has over 15 years’ experience of organising and building membership-based organisations.
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- Civil Society
- Headquarters
- India
- Areas of Impact
- South Asia
HomeNet International
Our awardees
"KK" Tse Ka Kui
Co-Founder, Impact Partners HK
Etienne Primard
Founder and Managing Director, Solidarités Nouvelles pour le Logement (SNL)
Verónica Abud Cabrera
Executive Director, Fundación Educacional y Cultural La Fuente