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Jean-Michel Ricard

Jean-Michel Ricard is the Co-Founder of Siel Bleu, which develops a range of activities for elderly people, designed to help improve their general physical and psychological well-being through the use of an integrated approach in the context of a preventive care programme. Jean-Michel is in charge of public relations, is in contact with all firms and foundations that might support the associations’ cause, and leads external actions to make the association known around the world.

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Siel Bleu
Hybrid Social Enterprise
Global Health
Areas of Impact
Europe, Spain, Belgium, France, Ireland

Siel Bleu

Siel Bleu develops a range of activities for elderly people that are designed to help improve their general physical and psychological well-being through the use of an integrated approach in the context of a preventive care programme.

Siel Bleu has developed 25 types of physical activities that are adjustable to various levels of handicap, age and skill. Collective courses are designed for seniors, the elderly, the handicapped, and people suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, Parkinson’s and cancer. Tailored home courses include post-hospitalization programmes, gym for care givers, “going out again” programmes, and physical stimulation. Courses for companies include health prevention, welfare and coming back to work.

Siel Bleu dedicates 10% of its budget to research and development since several studies have proven the positive impact of the regular practice of physical activity. For instance, people between 65 to 79 years old who practice a physical activity at least 20 minutes a week directly reduce their risk of getting Alzheimer’s by 60%. Moreover, practicing a moderate to intense physical activity reduces the risk of having a breast cancer relapse by at least 30%. It is estimated that Siel Bleu’s activities targeting only two pathologies – fractures and diabetes – could enable savings of €59 billion in 8 years in France, €36 billion in Spain and €50 billion in the UK.


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