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Mary Anne Müller Prieto

Mary Anne Müller Prieto is an Educator and Social Entrepreneur. In 1991, she was Founder of: Escuela Agroecologica de Pirque; Fundacion Origen; pioneered holistic educational model in Chile, taking organic agriculture as inspiration for work with at risk youth and women from low income families. Mary is an Ashoka Fellow. She is an instructor at Bodhisattva Peace Institute and Founder: Institute for Peace and Sustainable Development; Origen Programme for training teachers.

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Fundación Origen
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Areas of Impact
Latin America, Chile

Fundación Origen

Fundación Origen has an educational model which promotes sustainable development, peace, equity and inclusion. It focuses on developing students' personal, social and environmental skills and responsibility. Since its inception in 1991, 10,000 students have graduated from the Escuela Agro Ecologica de Pirque. It trains social entrepreneurs and teachers from poor areas from all over Chile. It receives thousands of visitors every year seeking to reproduce this self-sustaining model in other areas of the world.


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