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Macarena Currin

Macarena Currín holds an MS in Social Work from the University de Chile. She founded Rodelillo in Santiago in 1987, based on her personal experience and deep social commitment. In Los Angeles, California in 2000, she and her husband, David Hansen, established a local variant of Rodelillo in a parish community, which still thrives today. Macarena continues to inspire and influence leaders from business, civil society, government and academia with her integral family vision, leadership, wisdom and social effects.

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Rodelillo Foundation
Hybrid Social Enterprise
Areas of Impact
Latin America, North America, USA, Chile

Rodelillo Foundation

The Rodelillo Foundation is a set of integrated non-profit and for-profit social businesses that, by collaborating with the private, public, civil society and academic sectors of society, deliver definitive solutions in overcoming the conditions of poverty and social vulnerabilities of families committed to improving their situations and destinies.

Through the Rodelillo Model of Enterprising Families, families engage in a personalized psycho-social companionship over 18 months with social workers, psychologists and others. They work on such basic human needs as family relationships, income generation, child development, access to health networks, and organizing the demand for, and construction of, definitive housing solutions. For more than 25 years Rodelillo has played a pivotal role assisting over 30,000 Chilean families, totalling 125,000 people, to recover their dignity, surmount poverty, become self-reliant, find a job or create a business, purchase a home, obtain a college education, become community leaders, hire and train others, and get involved in local affairs.

Every year this motivates and encourages thousands of families, their communities, co-workers and the nation. During the past four years Rodelillo has been innovating unprecedented corporate-civil society collaborations in the design and installation of its model, for the benefit of workers and workers’ families at ports and mines throughout Chile. The results have exceeded expectations in delivering more productive workers, more congenial work environments, major decreases in worksite accidents and quantified social results.

For two decades Rodelillo has instigated and produced consistently superior results with the Chilean ministries of Justice, Planning, Housing, Women, Education and the National Service for Minors. Local and regional authorities, universities, CSOs and other stakeholders have also enjoyed the mutual benefits of helping families to help themselves.


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